I love the idea coloring Easter eggs every year, but it’s messy and the eggs go to waste. So when the idea struck to paint plastic eggs – MESS FREE – we pulled out the paints to give it a try. And it worked! Keep reading to for a no mess plastic easter egg painting activities for kids and toddlers.
- Plastic Easter Eggs
- Craft paint in “Easter” Colors
- Plastic leftover container with lid
- Paper plate or drying mat
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1. Place dots of paint in container
Choose complimentary colors that are pretty when blended. Could be a good chance to teach some color theory! We mainly stuck to two colors, but 1 dot of a third color creates some fun interest!
2. Add plastic egg to container and secure the lid.
3. Now Shake it off! Shake it off!
Seriously, just shake it, shake, shake it, shake it, shake, shake it.
You’ll want to – Shake, Rattle & Roll – to make sure the egg is full covered in paint.
{ok, i’m done with the song puns}
Once covered, stop so you maintain the swirls and variation! If the hinge on your eggs sticks out, you may have a small area that just won’t get painted. No worries!
4. Move to a paper plate to dry.

5. Wash and dry plastic container right away.

6. SPRAY with a clear sealer.
Do not use a brush sealer, only spray! I had this one on hand. It’s available in gloss or matte. This is also what I use to finish all of my acrylic paintings.
7. Depending on how you plan to use your eggs, you can leave the unpainted areas as-is. Or, wrap a piece of washi tape around the egg for decoration.

And that’s it! Add them to a bowl or basket for a bright Easter decoration your kiddos will be so proud of! And you’ll love the MESS FREE activity!
If you make this project, please share and tag me so I can see your creations! @charlestonhomemaker