This painted Easter Egg Garland is the easiest, cutest, funnest (yes) decor you’ll ever make with little hands! It is relatively a mess free activity and uses supplies you already have on hand! The painted garland is also great for sensory sensitive kiddos who still want to get involved in crafting with you!

- 2 sheets of cardstock (must be cardstock!
- Craft paint in assorted, coordinating colors
- Scissors
- Hole punch
- Twine or Ribbon
Easy Easter Egg Garland
The key to crafting with toddlers is to prep your space before you invite them in! We use Dollar Tree cookie sheets for our work surface. So great for so many activities!

The fun part is squirting paint all over one sheet of cardstock. I squeeze the bottle while my little man guides my hand. It puts him in control, while I control how much comes out 🙂
Then place the other sheet of cardstock on top and lightly rub/squish to spread the paint across the entire “cardstock sandwich”. We use real technical terms over here.

Once you have spread it out, carefully peel the pieces apart and let dry on a flat surface.

Next I cut out 6 eggs from each sheet. They’re aren’t exact – just go for an oval shape!

My little guy loves to use the whole punch and it is great for those fine motor skills and hand strength! We punched one hole on each side, about 1/4 down from the top of the egg.
Then just string them up! Again – GREAT fine motor practice for those little hands!

I love a good mess free (ish) craft project that weaves in therapy practice at the same time! We’ll be using this paint method again!