Did your 3 year old reaaalllly paint those??
YES! Yes, he did!!
Early early in our journey we recognized a lot of sensory aversions in play and eating. Looking back, we see how it all went hand in hand.
Traditional finger painting, play dough, handprints, basically anything that involved touch was a no go. But y’all know me and my creative needs! So we created a method to work through those sensory aversions and make something beautiful in the process.
We started slow and if finger touch was too much, we used a ball or truck or even rolling pin to push the paint around. And the result one day when we used just blues and white was an amazing painting for his sister’s nursery that “kinda look like an ocean!”
And goodness, how symbolic these ocean paintings are…
For the little artist – you can use the same colors and amount of paint and same process, but is going to look different. Just like each kiddos journey. It is so so so important not to compare journeys.
For the parent – you MUST give up control of the outcome of these paintings. Like you really don’t know what the final product will look like until it’s finished. And as parents watching your child’s story unfold, we can set the stage and put the right steps in motion, but then we have to let go and let God. As hard and tiring and uncertain that may feel. I clung to the verse “Do not grow weary in doing good for in the proper time you will reap your harvest.” That’s what faith is all about. Choosing to believe and persevere and accepting His timing, without seeing every step in front of you.
And for all of us – Waves. The Mighty Ocean. As you stand on the shoreline and look down at the waves hitting your feet (the inspiration for these paintings) remember that “mightier than the waves of the sea is His love for you.”
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